synthesis yield

synthesis yieldsynthesis yield
  1. Under the conditions , the single synthesis yield of calcium acetylacetonate was 93.41 % .


  2. Through the recovery of calcium acetylacetonate which lost in washing step , the cyclic synthesis yield increased to 99 % .


  3. Results The radiochemistry purity of the synthesized 11 C-choline was more than 99 % , the synthesis yield was 95 % .


  4. Conclusions The automated on-line preparation method was verified in producing 11C - β - CFT of high radiochemical purity and synthesis yield for a short period of time .


  5. Compared with classic liquid-phase synthesis , product yield increased greatly , so PEG also played the role of phase transfer catalyst , improving the reaction rate .


  6. This method of synthesis thioacetal with high yield , short reaction time , high selective .


  7. Using lysine , laminine was prepared by bio-mimetic synthesis method , with yield rate 37.6 % and purity 97.2 % .


  8. First , effects of synthesis parameters on the yield were investigated by orthogonal experiments , such as catalyst types and dosage , dewater temperature and decomposition temperature .


  9. Results and conclusion This improved synthesis with an overall yield of 55.3 % shows the advantages of lower cost of starting materials and reagents , mild reaction condition and simple operation , it is suitable for industrial manufacture .


  10. The synthesis method of quinalphos by the process of compound phase transfer catalyst ( PTC ) and the factors affecting synthesis yield were studied in this paper .


  11. A microwave-irradiation technique was applied to the solid phase synthesis of thymopentin , and also the influences of coupling reagents , solvents , reactant concentration , reaction time and temperature on the solid phase synthesis yield of thymopentin with microwave irradiation were investigated .
